Charles Korff Family Pictures

Doris Korff (Charles's mother)

Charles Korff

Helena Maeckel {Korff}

This is a picture of "The Girls". Taken at their Grandparents - Dr. Otto B. Witte and Pauline Brandt {Witte} in Shelby. This was a birthday party for Jeanette Korff. On the left is Lillian Korff, then Jeanette and behind her Violet Witte.

Taken at Galveston Beach at the Breakers Bath Houses by L. Tobler, Photographer. Top l-r: Walter Charles Korff, Annie Korff {Witte}, Dr. Ben Witte. Bottom l-r: Ida Korff, Helena Maeckel {Korff}, Lilly Eda Witte {Korff}

This was in the Korff picture collection. No names but may be Maeckels since it was taken in Columbus.

This was in the Korff picture collection. All it says is Eddie and sister and that it was taken in Schulenberg, TX.

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Last updated February 28, 1999